Terms and conditions

Ananchor’s terms and conditions of contract


  1. Parties to the contract:

On the one hand, ANANCHOR Ltd, with contact email: [email protected] (hereinafter, ANANCHOR) as owner of the Website https://Ananchor.com/ (hereinafter, The Website or the Website, indistinctly).

On the other hand, the client of ANANCHOR, provided that they are a natural or legal person carrying out a professional and/or business activity interested in contracting the services offered on the Website, and acting on their own behalf or on behalf of another natural or legal person, following their instructions, but always with a purpose related to the commercial or business activity, trade or profession of the contracting party. Therefore, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users (TRLGDCU) will not be applicable to this contract, as the service contracting parties are not considered consumers or users.

Acceptance of these conditions implies that:

– You have read and understand what is set out in this document.

– You are a natural person, of legal age, with sufficient capacity to contract or to represent a legal person (legally constituted).

– That you assume all the obligations set forth herein in the representation that you hold.

These conditions shall be valid for an indefinite period of time and shall be applicable to all contracts made through the website.

  1. Purpose of the contract, contracting procedure and control panel:

2.1 Object:

ANANCHOR offers web project owners the Linkbuilding service, consisting of the management of reviews (links) in forums, comments, 2.0 blogs (free blogs such as blogspot, blogger, WordPress.com, etc.), in accordance with the conditions established in these contracting conditions.

2.2 Contracting the service:

2.2.1 Language: Currently the contracting procedure may be carried out in Spanish, English and German. These will be expanded as the database expands.

2.2.2. Copy of the conditions linked to the purchase: ANANCHOR will not keep a copy of these conditions linked to the purchase, so we recommend that the user keeps a copy of them, although ANANCHOR will send a copy of the contracting conditions in force at the time of each purchase.

2.2.3. Technical means – The Web does not have technical means to identify and correct errors in the introduction of data by the user, except that it detects if any field that is necessary to process the request is pending completion.

2.2.4. Contracting procedure: To contract any of ANANCHOR’s monthly subscription services, you must be previously registered on the platform. If you are not, you must register and enter your personal details. If you need an invoice for the services provided, you will have to fill in the billing details.

If payment is made by PayPal, you will access the PayPal platform where the monthly subscription service contracted and the amount of each monthly instalment will be shown.

Once your registration has been verified, ANANCHOR will send you an e-mail with a password, which will give you access to a control panel where you can modify your user profile and password.

You must be diligent in managing your access codes, and you are also responsible for the choice, loss, theft or unauthorised use of your user name and/or password and for the consequences that may arise from this. We remind you that the access data are personal and non-transferable.

You undertake to notify ANANCHOR immediately of the loss of your access data (e-mail and/or password), regardless of the cause, and of any danger or breach of confidentiality, failing which you will be liable for any damage or loss caused by accesses verified through these access data.



2.3 Control Panel: Registration on the ANANCHOR platform will give you access to a Control Panel where you can manage your user account and you will have a menu where you can enter the URL of your projects and how many of the contracted links you assign to one project or another. You will also be able to manage your balance and the purchase of links to dedicate to these projects. You will also be able to see which links have been obtained.

2.4. User responsibility for the data provided: You are solely responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy and updating of the data provided in the contracting process and in any form on the Website or in the Control Panel. In the event that you detect any error in your data, you must correct it as soon as possible, communicating it to ANANCHOR by e-mail or modifying the data provided in your Control Panel, at any time, accessing with your user name and password.

For any additional information or clarification regarding the content of these conditions, you can contact ANANCHOR via the email address indicated before contracting.

2.5 Denial of access to the service: We may reject the contracting of your services or deny access to the services contracted, provided that:

  1. a) we verify that the information provided is false and/or inaccurate;
  2. b) we consider that the development of your activity does not comply with the terms set out in these contracting conditions and/or we are aware that it puts at risk the correct functioning of the service for other users; and/or
  3. c) you have any service previously contracted with ANANCHOR pending payment.
  4. d) you carry out activities contrary to the law, morality, public order, with illicit or prohibited purposes or effects, detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties.
  5. f) you are the owner of a website that is malicious, intended for illicit activities, with illegal content, pornographic content or content related to weapons, violent content, content related to any kind of drug, alcohol or tobacco.

(g) in any way encourages misleading behaviour or offers compensation programmes, i.e. payments for performing online actions. The denial of access to the services will be communicated by email to the address you provide, or through the Control Panel, justifying the reason for the denial.

2.6. Loss of the user name and/or password: In the event that you do not remember the password assigned or that you have subsequently modified, you may create a new password by sending an e-mail to [email protected], and we will ask you to prove your identity by sending us your ID card, passport, C.I.F., deeds of incorporation, power of attorney or any other documentation or that provides data on the projects created or on the activity carried out, which will allow ANANCHOR to re-establish you in the use of the service, and all of this, for the sake of security.

2.7. Returns: With the new platform, in production since 5 February 2019, there will be no possibility of refund unless there has been an obvious and demonstrable error in the recharge by the customer. This is because the balance or links that are recharged do not expire, so the customer can make use of the contracted service at any time. In the case of a monthly Paypal subscription, there will also be no refund of the renewal fee, unless the customer has given the mandatory 5 days notice of renewal and cancelled the subscription via their PayPal account, in which case this will be investigated and a decision will be taken.

  1. Financial Conditions:

3.1. Prices: The price of the services published on the Website will be increased by VAT. The price set will depend on the number of reviews (links) that we undertake to obtain for you each month.

Please note that such prices may be modified, upwards or downwards, by ANANCHOR and will be duly published on the Website. In the event of such a change, ANANCHOR will notify the USER who has contracted the service in question, who may accept the change in price, otherwise the service will be cancelled.

3.2. Promotions: ANANCHOR shall have the right to establish at any time promotional campaigns for its products and/or services with certain advantages for USERS, which shall remain in force during the time they are published on the Website or during the time established in the promotion in question.



3.3. Payment method: You can top up links or credit by credit card or by payment through PayPal. In the case of monthly subscriptions, these can only be contracted through PayPal. If you sign up for a monthly subscription, you must pay the amount corresponding to the first monthly payment through the PayPal payment gateway at the time of signing up for any ANANCHOR service and pay the following monthly payments in advance within the first five days of each monthly period using the same payment method.

In the event of refund, delay or non-payment of monthly payments, ANANCHOR may suspend, at any time and without prior notice, all or part of the services, until full regularisation of the payments, without prejudice to ANANCHOR’s right to terminate the contract for breach of contract.

3.4. Invoicing: The invoice for the first monthly payment of the contracted services is generated with the contract.

The following invoices will be generated with the following monthly payments corresponding to the contracted plans. The rest of the payments for recharging credit or contracting individual links will also generate an invoice that you will be able to download from your user panel on the platform. Invoices for the provision of the Services will include the Value Added Tax (VAT) which, where applicable, corresponds according to the applicable rate at any given time, with the legal deductions that ANANCHOR is obliged to make for payment to the Public Treasury on behalf of the USER. You expressly consent to the issuing and making available of invoices issued by electronic and telematic means. You will be able to download the electronic invoice through the Control Panel.

  1. Duration and termination:

4.1. Duration: The duration of this contract, in the case of a monthly subscription through PayPal, will be indefinite, until you decide to unsubscribe from the service or until any of the causes for termination of the contract set out in the following conditions occur.



4.2. Termination: The present contracting conditions, shall terminate for the causes admitted both in the Civil Code and in the Commercial Code and, specifically, by mutual agreement between the parties expressly stated in writing and by the early termination of the present conditions in accordance with the provisions of the same. In any case, the termination of the contractual relationship shall not exonerate the parties from the fulfilment of outstanding obligations.

Without prejudice to the power to terminate the contractual relationship established in the previous paragraph, ANANCHOR may withdraw or suspend the provision of services to the user at any time and without prior notice in the event of non-compliance with any of the obligations assumed by the user by virtue of these contracting conditions, and ANANCHOR may claim, where appropriate, any damages that may be incurred as a result of such non-compliance.

4.3. Unilateral termination by the user: In the case of monthly subscriptions, you may unsubscribe from the service at any time, provided that you give notice five days prior to the date on which the corresponding monthly payment is due, by sending an e-mail to the following address: [email protected]. You must also cancel the subscription by logging into your Paypal account. If this is not done, ANANCHOR will not be responsible for any further payments.

As a consequence of such termination, the service will cease to be provided, without the parties having any claim on account of such termination, and ANANCHOR will not charge any monthly payment after the month in which the termination is made by the user.

4.4. Unilateral termination by ANANCHOR: ANANCHOR may terminate the contract at any time, in the event that the user fails to comply with the obligations set out in these conditions, as well as for the legally stipulated reasons.

  1. Specific conditions of the Linkbuilding services: You may contract the plan that best suits your needs, from among those published on the ANANCHOR website.

You can choose a main URL and as many secondary URLs as you wish, with their respective anchor texts (unlimited). These anchors text will be used when possible, as in many sites it is possible that you cannot put anchor text and we have to put the URL. You will have to specify the number of links you want with each anchor, taking into account that it is possible that some cannot be done with such specifications, in which case the specified target URL will be used as anchor.

ANANCHOR will manage the achievement of the number of contracted links on free websites, i.e. forums, directories, blog comments, blog 2.0 blogs (such as blogspot, blogger, WordPress.com, etc), which will point to your projects. This does not mean that we link to all the specified types.

By project we mean each website you own that you want the links that ANANCHOR will manage to point to.

The links will be Follow and Nofollow, maintaining a proportion between them in accordance with Google’s guidelines.

All links will be created manually. None of them will be created automatically.

The ANANCHOR system gives you the possibility to distribute the contracted links among your different projects. Once the project configuration has been chosen, it cannot be modified until it is finalised. You will be able to modify the distribution for the following month, and so on.

ANANCHOR guarantees you at least one monthly link in a 2.0 blog, including the writing of the text, but you will not be able to choose the project to which this link is assigned.

ANANCHOR does not guarantee that the links will be placed on websites with a theme identical to your project, but will try to ensure that the theme of the website on which the link is placed is as similar as possible to the theme of the project, in a natural way.

ANANCHOR is not liable for the removal of the links obtained in a monthly period, or for the disappearance of the websites on which the links are placed, as ANANCHOR has no control over those websites. If such circumstances arise, as far as possible, we will try to replace them with other links, if the disappearance of the link already achieved occurs in the same monthly period of achievement.

  1. Modification of the contracting conditions: ANANCHOR reserves the right to modify or replace these contracting conditions as a result of the modification, evolution and enactment of laws, regulations and rules applicable to the provision of the service and/or aspects related to the same.

In any other case, the modification of the contracting conditions will only take effect once they have been communicated to and duly accepted by each user. If you do not agree with the modifications made, you may terminate the contract and cancel the service at any time under the terms established in these conditions.

  1. Liability Regime: Unless otherwise expressly stated in these conditions or in the applicable legislation, and only to the extent and extent that it is imposed, ANANCHOR will only be liable for direct damages suffered by the user, and only when they have been caused by a cause attributable to ANANCHOR.

ANANCHOR will not be liable for problems arising from lack of access or problems inherent to Internet connectivity or electricity networks when these have their origin in causes beyond its control or causes that could not have been foreseen by the parties or which, although foreseeable, ANANCHOR has made all reasonable efforts to avoid them or which are considered to be fortuitous or force majeure.

ANANCHOR is exonerated from any type of liability due to actions or omissions directly attributable to the client or third parties directly dependent on the client.

ANANCHOR shall in no case be responsible for the results obtained in the projects to which it applies its services, as it is the client who decides which SEO strategy to apply to each of these projects, using the tools that ANANCHOR provides, assuming the responsibility of the client.

ANANCHOR provides, with the client exclusively and exclusively assuming any liability arising from the use of the contracted services.

The client shall be solely responsible for any breach of the obligations assumed in these conditions.

  1. Intellectual and Industrial Property: The use of ANANCHOR’s trademark, which includes both the name and the logo, by anyone else by any means is prohibited, except with the express consent of ANANCHOR. All rights reserved. Furthermore, the ANANCHOR website – the contents, programming and design of the website – is fully protected by copyright, and any reproduction, communication, distribution and transformation of the aforementioned protected elements is expressly prohibited without the express consent of ANANCHOR.
  2. Personal data: The privacy policy set out in the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy published on the Website shall apply, to which we refer in order to avoid unnecessary repetition.
  3. Assignment: The customer may not assign, transfer, encumber or subrogate in favour of any third party this contractual relationship, or the rights and obligations arising from it, without the prior written consent of ANANCHOR.
  4. Subcontracting: ANANCHOR may contract and/or subcontract with third parties whatever it deems appropriate in relation to the performance by them of any or all of the activities necessary for the maintenance, updating, improvement or provision of the services.
  5. Modification of the services: ANANCHOR reserves the right to modify the services in order to adapt them to: (a) to the technical evolution of the market (b) to any technical, functional and operational improvement that allows for an improvement in the provision of the same; and (c) to the evolution of the laws, regulations and rules applicable to the provision of the Services and/or aspects related to the same. ANANCHOR also reserves the right to modify unilaterally and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration and operability of the service provided that such modification does not affect the functionality or the commitments of the Service acquired or involve any increase in the agreed prices.
  6. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction: These terms and conditions are governed by English law.

As the user acts directly in his own name and right or representing a natural or legal person, following his instructions, with a purpose related to a commercial activity, business, trade or profession, the parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to the relevant Courts for the resolution of disputes.


Modifications to the policies, terms and conditions may be due to legislative modifications or for the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, as well as when changes occur in the agreements with third parties that install or use cookies through the Website.